My Brother's keeper

I have a job, am working, but its on contract renewable every year, my buddies and family wish that I renew it this year, especially for the money and the experience, but am thinking otherwise. I'm not any different, I mean we all need money and more experience to boost our resume, but that's not exactly what appeals to me, at least not at the moment. See I have a brother, a candidate anticipating National Examinations which allows transition from Primary to Secondary Level Education. The tests are due in October, while my contract ends in June, so am thinking of being there for him, help him study, the revision and all that appertains to exam preparation. I did my part, I passed through what he now goes through..the tension, the anxiety, the shivers, the high hopes, the 'I don't know how it's gonna be' and I went through it all by myself, nobody seemed to understand, all they did, especially dad was say ''I need the best from you, boy!'' from ...