Where You are

Through God's will I was posted to Chemelil Sugar Academy in 2007. Honestly I never wanted to go there, but He did; I believe so since He allowed it. I thought four years was enough but I was wrong, He took me back there for a hotelier job, once again I was wrong to think that was it all, so He got me another job in Chemelil Sugar Company as an IT apprentice. And that made it a total of six years. you must be asking what's my point ha? here.........

Far from being a bookworm and having an interest in academics, I have come to know my life purpose, to see why my will must never (let alone try to) over-ride God's will. Chemelil has been the place for me to crown the last quarter of what I call the formative years of my life. Here I have had to learn to recognize others, to kill pride, to reach out and most importantly, live for Christ. Even while at High school, I think the one thing that makes me smile is how God used me.

As I type this, its one month before I ''leave'' this small town. I have this however to report - that it is for me a type of many other towns out there, which in like manner have one common feature, an innate desire for salvation, I mean, of all the stories and things I have talked about with the people I keep meeting, one thing stands out irrefutable brethren, man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The old, the young, male and female, even pupils and students whom I coached manifested that one reality we can never run from, at least not for long.

Brothers, sisters, (in or or out of Chemelil) - wherever you go (except hell) , know this, its by the Lord's will that you are there, are you in line with His expectations? or are you avoiding your responsibilities. -
Matthew 28:19-20 "Go then, and make disciples of all the nations, giving them baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; Teaching them to keep all the rules which I have given you: and see, I am ever with you, even to the end of the world."

The Lord be honored!


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